Monday, February 24, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 11

Since they were all starting school the next week, her family decided to go to The Little America for brunch on Sunday. (Ha, Sunday Brunch with the family - so sophisticated).

She was looking for a good opportunity to casually mention that they decided they were dating and going to do long distance.

Do I just throw it in there? Like this, "I am so excited to eat! We decided we are going to date and do long distance for the next year of our lives. I think I will eat the crepes first!" OR do I wait for it to come up...?

"So what's up with you guys?" her dad asked casually.

Guess that answers that question...

"So...." Just say it! Just say it! "....yeah"

She looked at one of her little sisters in the backseat since she had told her yesterday. Her sister shrugged her shoulders...

"Well yeah, so....we are dating." She cringed waiting for the reaction.

"WHAT?! WHY?! You don't even know him!"

Well this is going pretty much how I expected. That's comforting.

" mmhmmm."

Her siblings piped up with, "It's not that big of a deal" and "I'm pretty sure they've spent enough time together in the last two days that they have some idea." She was so thankful she didn't have to go up against them.

They discussed it for a few minutes more and then got to the restaurant. As they sat down, her mother said to her, "You know were are just giving you a hard time. We don't really care one way or another."

That was a great sign...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 10

They were in the movie Frozen. She had already seen it once with her sister Regan before Christmas but it was so incredible she would have gone to it 16 more times.

It had been about 34 hours since they had met, but felt more like 34 lifetimes. They, thick as thieves, sat in the theater watching the movie.

Hmm...this is great. Although now that I think about it, this movie sort of points a microscope at us. The whole "You can't marry someone you just met" thing...I mean, we aint getting married, but we did decide last night we were going to date and do long distance. Same difference really....awkward...and his name is Kristoff....coincidence? I think not....HA!

She tried her best not to sing along to all of the songs she already knew by heart, but failed at some points.

Ugh I hate people like me in the theater. SHUT UP ALREADY. This is probably the first time these people have seen this movie so let them enjoy it you waif! ...I need to stop using the word waif...

Ana was saying, "I got engaged but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him..." and they had a good little chuckle. 

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Remember when I didn't know you....yesterday?" They laughed.

It came to the part in the movie where the grandpa troll tells Kristoff that only an act of true love will thaw Ana's frozen heart. Kristoff then says he needs to get her back to Prince Hans and Olaf asks why but realizes Kristoff is thinking of "a true love's kiss!"

At "true love's kiss" he turned, looked at her, leaned over and kissed her.

shutupShutUpSHUTUP. Who is this guy? Is he for real? That just happened. *Gag from the immense amount of cheese* *Swoon* the the the movie....what the??? HA! That just happened! This guy's great!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 9

They had been together since just after she dyed her hair red that morning. She was looking pretty good as a redhead if this narrator may say so herself. They hung out with her family, played the piano and guitar *swoon*. Since they had missed going to Frozen the day before, they had decided to go today. The movie wasn't for a little bit so they had some time to kill.

They took Rocket on a walk through the neighborhoods for a while.

Freak, this is awesome. I am so at peace right now. I could do this forever. I've never felt very strongly about having a dog when I am older but this right here makes me think otherwise...I could do this forever.

They walked and talked or walked in silence. It was chilly, but not too bad. Rocket weaved back and forth, marking everything he could. He may have even gotten someone's shoe. Rocket was never a very good walking dog. Occasionally he would wind himself up in the leash or wrap it around her legs. But it was great.

"I didn't really have any idea why I was supposed to come back home up until now. I think I might have an idea now."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yeah, things are sort of becoming clearer."

"Why do you think?" she asked although she was pretty sure she knew the answer since she had been thinking the same thing for some time now.

"I'll let you figure it out," he replied.

shutupShutUpSHUTUP. This is totally what I have been thinking, but then I was like, "no. stop flattering yourself." but then I was like, "HA! who am I kidding?" But like if that is what he is thinking too....Holy crap holy crap holy crap

"I just have no idea what it could be," she feigned ignorance.

"I'll give you some time to figure it out."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 8 and 8b

"Well, I'm pretty sure we missed the movie..."

They were going to go see Frozen but after talking with Regan for so long after snowboarding they had missed the start. She didn't really care. She (they) smelled really bad and she really didn't want to leave the house again. She was exhausted from her first ever snowboarding experience, but she also didn't want him to leave.

"We can just go check what we have and watch something in the theater."

Though they had missed the showtime they had originally planned on, he really wanted to go despite her offer to stay and watch a movie at her house.

"What was that movie you loved? The one you said you could watch over and over again?"

"OOH! Minority Report! Let's watch that one!"

They went to the theater and found it in the "M" section of her DVD collection. (Yes, she alphabetized her family's DVDs.) She told him to make himself comfortable on one of the many couches and love sacs in the room.

Once the movie had started the inevitable happened and one minute at a time, he ended up a few inches closer to where she was sitting on the couch five feet behind him. It seemed to be the greatest distance he had ever travelled.

What am I doing.. what in the heck am I doing. This. Is. Nuts. You only just met her man, take it slow. 

He pressed on anyway, feeling wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove, hoping she didn't notice the fact that he was moving closer to her.


Her sister and three friends burst in to the room where they had slowly but surely gravitated towards each other. Aspen jumped on her, giving her a huge hug and Autumn, Lindsay and Mau followed in after. They wanted to know how snowboarding went. (Or, like her mother, they were astonished that the two were still together after nearly 13 hours and wanted to see what was up). They talked for a few minutes, sharing the general happenings of the day. Lindsay and her friends told them about the camping trip they were going to take that weekend and then they left the room.

As the movie came to a close, there they sat, hand in hand. His mind was blown. Completely blown. His heart felt like it was going to blow up, too. Though it had only been 13 hours, they had been through so much together and he really cared about her. It seemed to them that this should be weird; but it wasn't. Everything about the day should have been weird and wasn't... which was weird.

They sat and talked for a while about nothing and everything (*gag*). It was perfect. They acknowledged the non-weird weirdness that had characterized the day.

"This should be weird. I should be freaked out right now. This should be weird. I don't even know what is going on."

"Remember when I didn't know you this morning?"

"Ha! This is weird. Or it should be."

It wasn't the most intelligent conversation the two had shared, but their minds were kinda blown. Then there was the fact that she kept having the same thought cross her mind...

"You've got me whipped.." he said interrupting the thought.

"Well that didn't take long," she joked.

"Remember though, I have three weeks on you."

"Oh yeah. That's weird. It will take me a while to get used to that."

Uh's that thought again...I really want to kiss him right now...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Intermission

Here we will pause for a brief intermission.

If you haven't already, check out parts 1-7:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Also, if he is feeling merciful, you might get his parts during this intermission.

Check here for that!

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 7

"I would definitely use a carrier pigeon over any other form of communication," she was saying to him. "How rad would that be? Or an owl like in Harry Potter. How the heck do they even do that? How do they know where to go?" She had always been baffled by carrier pigeons.

"I don't know how it works," he replied.

"Hmmm...I will have to research that cause how cool would that be?"

"Seriously! I could send you letters by bird when you go back to Wyoming."

"Haha! That would be so awesome. It would further solidify my status as the cool kid on the block." She liked the way this kid thought.

Their conversation had flowed from the serious to the funny to the ridiculous. One minute they were discussing her papa (a touchy subject amongst some) and the next carrier pigeons or owls or the movie Frozen.

"You haven't seen it yet?" She felt bad for anyone and everyone who had not seen the movie Frozen.

"No, but I hear it's pretty good."

"Good? That's an understatement. It is the best. Ever. I love it. Oh man it is so good. Like Tangled status. It is one that I would go to the movie theater again for."

"That good, huh?"


"Well then," he began, "what are you doing after snowboarding?"

Is this guy serious? It's not like we've already spent 8 hours together. That is usually more than enough time for me to piss off every around me. Why isn't he itchin' to ditch me? Welp if there was any doubt whether or not he liked me it's gone. But let's be honest here, there wasn't really any doubt...

"Let's do it," she said. "I'll check movie times on my phone."