Saturday, February 1, 2014

Firepits, Frozen, and Flames - Part 7

"I would definitely use a carrier pigeon over any other form of communication," she was saying to him. "How rad would that be? Or an owl like in Harry Potter. How the heck do they even do that? How do they know where to go?" She had always been baffled by carrier pigeons.

"I don't know how it works," he replied.

"Hmmm...I will have to research that cause how cool would that be?"

"Seriously! I could send you letters by bird when you go back to Wyoming."

"Haha! That would be so awesome. It would further solidify my status as the cool kid on the block." She liked the way this kid thought.

Their conversation had flowed from the serious to the funny to the ridiculous. One minute they were discussing her papa (a touchy subject amongst some) and the next carrier pigeons or owls or the movie Frozen.

"You haven't seen it yet?" She felt bad for anyone and everyone who had not seen the movie Frozen.

"No, but I hear it's pretty good."

"Good? That's an understatement. It is the best. Ever. I love it. Oh man it is so good. Like Tangled status. It is one that I would go to the movie theater again for."

"That good, huh?"


"Well then," he began, "what are you doing after snowboarding?"

Is this guy serious? It's not like we've already spent 8 hours together. That is usually more than enough time for me to piss off every around me. Why isn't he itchin' to ditch me? Welp if there was any doubt whether or not he liked me it's gone. But let's be honest here, there wasn't really any doubt...

"Let's do it," she said. "I'll check movie times on my phone."

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