Friday, August 31, 2012

Things everyone should know how to do

First, check this out right here. She's prrrty good eh? I taught her everything she knows.

Now. I have been compiling a list of things that everyone, every man, woman, child, should be able to do.

These are just handy or necessary skills in my opinion.

Here they are in no particular order:
  1. Braid
  2. Change a tire
  3. Throw a football
  4. Read music
  5. Make cookies from scratch
  6. Ride a bike
  7. Sew (basic sewing - like mending)
  8. Mow a lawn
  9. Jump a car
  10. Do laundry
  11. Shoot a gun
  12. Start a fire
  13. Cut hair
  14. Play an instrument
  15.  Read a map
  16. Remove blood/grass stains from fabric
  17. Make a bed
  18. Set up wireless internet
  19. Find the north star
  20. Communicate in a second language (not fluent, just able to communicate basics)
  21. Tie a square knot
  22. Swing dance

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I would rather

First read tHiS. It's pure gold.

Second is something my mom always said to me but to be honest I never ever understood. And I still think I might be a bit fuzzy on the whole thing, but I at least feel closer to understanding now.

She always told me that people do things they do not want to do all the time. When I would complain about having to do something I really didnt want to do, she would say something to the effect of "welcome to the real world, where people have to do things they do not want to do everyday. Don't you think I would rather *fill in activity* than clean your kids messes up all day every day....*blahblahblah*" (Sorry mama)

Kylee's thought - *That makes NO sense to me. Does not compute* <--(in that creepy robot voice)

"Why the heck do people do anything they don't want? I don't do anything I don't want to do...It's how my life has worked out"

My mom always just looked at me like the princess I was pretending to be. I am in the second day of school of my second year of college. And I am so close to understanding what she is talking about.

*Like the whole "school" thing in general*

Not sure where to go from here.... . . . .  .  .  .   .   .   .    .    .    .     .     .     .      .      .      .      .

Sunday, August 19, 2012

General Conference 1979 & 1980

We finally hit the 80's!

October 1979
Prayers and Answers

April 1979
Following Christ to Victory

October 1980
Let Every Man Learn His Duty

April 1980
God Will Have a Tried People

It is so interesting to go through these talks and find themes that are so relevant for the times they were given. It is obvious they were inspired to help the people of that time. They are also great words that people now in 2012, thirty and forty years later, should read.

All of you should take a gander at these. Learn something new, relearn something old. They are excellent words.

Happy Sabbath!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's incredible, really.

Have you ever seen something bad coming at you & you know you should stop it but for whatever reason you don't or feel like you can't? You are powerless or maybe you don't want to stop the bomb that is about to hit you. I cannot explain it. Why would I want to not save myself?

Like when you are talking with your best friend. It's all jokes and good-natured teasing but you can feel yourself taking it too personally for no good reason? You can see the anger that is about to burst forth and the argument that will likely result.

Things that are normally fun and make you laugh, now make you feel like you are going to cry? You can feel it hitting close to home and instead of telling yourself to let it go, take the blow because it isn't really a blow at all, you let it come at you full force? Its just teasing and fun. Harmless.

Well I had that moment. I saw what was coming and instead of taking the jokes and teasing for what they are, I opened up that part of you that gets hurt really easily to take the hit directly, no cushion at all. So it hit, and it hurt. But it wasn't supposed to. Why did it hurt? When did I become so sensitive? That bomb was not even a bomb. It wasn't meant to damage. It was meant to uplift and give a laugh. Why did it feel like the opposite?

This person never meant to hurt you. In fact, every interaction they have with you is meant to make your life better, make you happier, make you laugh. They want to never do anything to make you mad. They want only the best of everything when it comes to you. And hurting you is certainly not the best.

I couldn't explain it. I was hurt by something harmless. Why?

When I woke up the next day I could explain it. I had missed reading my scriptures the past 2 mornings. I thought about not reading my scriptures independently of why I had gotten so upset at nothing. Then I knew that I was feeling so vulnerable and sensitive because I had not been strengthened by the words of God and the prophets. The two were connected. Completely and totally. A lot like my best friend and I.

Anyway...if you grew up in a situation similar to me, you have heard how important daily scripture study is. Teachers tell you stories illustrating the difference between when you are reading them and when you are not reading them. I've never really doubted the power of reading your scriptures, but I guess you could say I doubted the power of NOT reading your scriptures. One for good, one for evil you might say. I now know how different things can be when you miss reading the scriptures & I will do what I can so it doesn't happen again.

It's incredible, really.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Perfect Day

Any of ya ever had a perfect day? No? Yea? Well try and have one...or another one. What ever applies to you.

Here is what my most recent one looked like:
Old man fishin' on the riverbank

Look at that beaut

I am so good at helping :)

K but for real, I am helping in this one

This is my " I am not impressed" face

I got dirty fish water flung all over me...but I look like I am enjoying it

My handsome fisherman :)

If Allen were a fish.........I wont finish that comment
Life is great folks!
"Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll"

Over & Out

General Conference 1977 & 1978

October 1977
The Things of God and Man

April 1977
Thoughts on the Sacrament

October 1978
True Religion

April 1978

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It aint happenin'

Studying is what aint happening. Instead, ENJOY!

Basketball retreat a couple summers ago

BBall retreat again...this is how we entertain ourselves waiting for our din din

Prom Junior year hahahahha How many chins do you count?


This is WFNWD

I killed our mailbox a while back

Shirt that was on the floor but I saw a face in it...can you see it?

Dang prrrty.


True story

This is my BFF
Sometimes anything is better than studying


I drew this...I'm so talented

Sunshines pen exploded in her mouth

Such good smiles...

ANYWAY...I really should study s'more cause I have a final tomorrow morning...BLEH.....These pictures make me laugh and I hope they make y'all laugh. (Shout out to my Russian readers!!)

Wish me luck!