Thursday, November 29, 2012


You know those dates that you will always remember?

There are the obvious ones like September 11 and December 7. Those one are if not universally remembered, nationally remembered.

Then there are the ones that are personal. Maybe to your family, maybe only to you.

April 1st is one of those days.
May 7, 2009. It was a Thursday.  Look it up if you don't believe me. I will never forget that day. Or the morning after. I didn't much feel like going to school that morning so Haylee, Will and I went to yard sales for most of first period. We bought a nasty rat thing.

All of those things were pretty awful life changing things.

Can I remember the dates of the amazing, happy things of my life?
Not really. I don't remember the date we won state in soccer or the date we won lacrosse....
I do remember August 9th, 2001. I turned 8 years old and was baptized. But I think I only remember that because I have it engraved on a charm bracelet.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving conversations

Here are a few conversations I had or listened to over Thanksgiving:

Brandon: Kalisa, where is Ben? We haven't seen him around.
Kalisa: Oh, we ate some questionable sushi last night. We've both been all sorts of unhappy. So that's where he is
Brandon: Say no more
Kalisa: I am pretty sure it was the tuna
*Ben walks in*: I was just telling the other room about the sushi

Lindsay: Freaking Thanksgiving!
Kylee: I know! All I have done for the past week is eat and play with a stupid plastic cup.

***Background: We were watching Dr. Quinn. Lindsay is on the lovesac and had been farting a lot. Carson is on the other lovesac. Savanna and I are on the couch.  Someone farts***
Carson: Lindsay! Are you serious!?! STOP IT
Lindsay: That was not me! That was obviously a leather couch fart!

Kylee, Lindsay and Regan: Aca-Awkward

Monday, November 26, 2012

Real Life

The "real world"

I've barely experienced it. I've caught glimpses of it through my parents and older siblings. But I've never been fully submerged in the real world.

The real world is not kindergarten. Real life is not elementary school. Real life is DEFINITELY not middle school. Real life is not high school.

Real life is not the sports you play and the games you win.

The real world is not even college.

Real life hits when you are not in classrooms with teacher telling you what to do. The real world does not judge you on your writing capabilities. Real life hits when you become the parent instead of the child. Being in the real world means life's problems are life/death and not pass/fail.

The real world means you are not protected by some magical force of love from your parents like in Harry Potter. Real life means you are on your own, fighting every day for something better, something bigger. Being in the real world means you have to grow up or be left behind in an ever-changing ever-degrading world.

From the slivers of the "real world" that I have seen, I don't look forward to it with excitement...I would like to stay in the fake life that I have lived in for 19 years, 3 months, and 11 days.

But no one can stop the real world from becoming theirs. It will take everyone for its own. All you can do is try to be prepared for it when it decides your number has been called.

Thanksgiving Break

Here is what it looked like:

Someone may have found some BROWN lipstick
Lindsay, Regan, and I tag team made this bear out of a sock

This girl was all over No-Shave November....Gross

And of course, baking with the frannnsssss.

Christmas cookies while listening to Christmas music. Good times. Good times.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

So. Full.

I am so full.

Full of food.

Full of love.

Full of gratitude.

Full of humility.

Full of emotions.

Full of life.

But there is still a little tiny piece of empty in there for now.

HopeFULLy it gets filled soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

General Conference 1995 & 1996

October 1995
Powerful Ideas

April 1995
"Therefore I Was Taught"

October 1996
Listening by the Power of the Spirit

This is short and sweet. It is the beginning of Conference so GBH is just telling us to listen with the Spirit to the speakers because they have prayed and know what to teach the people. Its pretty good and reminds us how to approach the prophets and apostles words.

April 1996
A Handful of Meal and a Little Oil

I gave a relief society lesson on this a few weeks ago. It was Chapter 20 in the Teachings of George Albert Smith. I think it went well. I sort of deviated and did my own thing cause that's how I live my life but nonetheless I think it was a good lesson. I didn't ask those stupid questions at the end cause I think they are the dumbest things ever (no offense church manual makers). In fact I didn't ask any questions. I taught what I knew to be true, said Amen and sat down.

If You Fail, Fail with Glory

Wanna know why I named my blog that?

Here ya go:

Well I keep these notes in my phone and I was looking through them one day and the note went as follows:

Psalms 16:11
Helaman 13:29
Find joy in the journey
-pres Monson
If we fail we fail with glory

SOOO I'm not sure why I had those all in a note but when I was looking for inspiration for my blog name and I came upon this note, "If we fail we fail with glory" really caught my attention.

When I am trying to decide something I go 98% by gut feeling and 2% by logical thought. I'll go through idea after idea and if I don't get that feeling I will move onto the next one. It is how I decide everything! Like which conference talks to read every week and what names to give my water bottles. I just know the feeling that it is the right one. It clicks. It fits. It goes. It feels right.

When I saw "If we fail we fail with glory" written on the note I knew it. I got that feeling. BAM Done and Done. I didn't know where the line came from until later on. It is from a hymn "God Speed the Right".

I love the idea of failing with glory. Why the heck should we be afraid of failure if we did it gloriously??? Since I've discovered that line in the hymn that is what I have tried to do with my life. I am going to try a lot of things and I am going to fail a lot of things. That much is inevitable.

But I can control HOW I fail. If I am going to fail, I am going to do it on MY terms and it will be a glorious failure. Oh man. It almost makes you excited to fail.

If you fail, fail gloriously people!

Happy weekend! Thanksgiving is just in front of us!

Friday, November 16, 2012



During the Eurocup - Germany vs. Spain

A few of my awesome traveling companions

Our pimp van...


It was pretty gruesome. BUT awesome to see this part of the Spanish culture

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


One time I broke my finger in a basketball game.



 SO this video is kinda gross if you are queasy. They didn't numb me or anything!

Getting a cast off has to be one of the best feelings in the world

Monday, November 12, 2012


That caught your attention dinnit?

Well I have seen TWO BUTTCRACKS TODAY! TWO OF THEM!!! Horrifying.

A. That's disgusting
B. Can't you feel your buttcrack exposed? And finally,
C. It is far too cold to have that happening.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Call Your Girlfriend

My friend Brittany and I are learning this:

We so far are not good.

It is a hard thing to play (we use plastic cups) butter dishes and sing at the same time...Don't believe me? Try it.

If/When we ever get good enough to do it I will put a video of it on here.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Here and There

"Arthur Henry King has said, 'Love is not just an ecstasy, not just an intense feeling. It is a driving force. It is something that carries us through our life of joyful duty'".
- Dallin H. Oaks, Powerful Ideas - October 1995

I like that a lot.

Do you ever have a song that automatically energizes and makes you go crazy? Well right now that song for me is:

It kills me. So I was doing homework right near here...
Library Annex image the basement of this building...


...yesterday while listening to thebestpandorastationever...

AND Anyway Radioactive comes on and I have the irrepressible urge to cartwheel and go crazy. SO I DID (if it is irrepressible you can't not do it) right there in the basement of PS. For all those nerds doing homework at 5:00 on a Friday evening (my friend Pace included....) to see!

HA! IT WAS GREAT. So then I was on a music high for the rest of the night.

 I jumped and skipped and sang and total body jammed the walk home with Cassie. IT WAS SO GREAT. SO FREEING. People where watching and I just jammed all the more intensely. Then we went to the basketball game here...

...and on the walk I didn't walk. NAY! I RAN AND FLAILED...

I looked a lot like this....

...And then when I got to the crosswalk I cartwheeled across. I turned that bad boy into a cross-cartwheel. AWWW YEAHHHH

WHEWWWW THAT was such a grand adventure I had. And it all started with Imagine Dragons.

I think I am keeping that promise to enjoy life more fully!