Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Newfound Mission in Life

So I recently got on the Humane Society of Utah's website and saw my beautiful Blue listed again. What does that mean? It means that someone adopted her and after a month or so was unhappy with her and brought her back. I honest to goodness shed tears over that. At work. Luckily I was alone at the time.

That made me so unbelievably sad I almost couldn't even handle it. I was ready to go get in my car and pick her up right then despite the destruction she caused. I didn't even care because she needs someone who loves her and who knows her. Luckily I do not have myopia (shout out to my eighth graders who have that word on their vocabulary quiz today!) and I did not do that. I currently do not have the resources to provide a life for her that would make her (and me) happy. But I did decide to do something.

I have this dream of living on a huge piece of land with a garden and animals and basically homesteading like in Dr. Quinn. (HAHAHA). That kind of a life would be wonderful for dogs like Blue. So into that dream, I incorporated and made room for dogs like Blue and the elderly dogs at the Humane Society of Utah that will most likely die there because people don't generally want to adopt a dog with less than 3 years left on this earth.

I want to be a place where those doggies can die in a home with love and snuggles and love and a family and love. I want my kids to have the responsibility of taking care of an animal that (more or less) needs them. I want them to have the experience of death of a (furry) loved one and go through the loss and learn from it. Learn that when a family can be together forever, it includes your furry, feathery, four legged, winged, and tailed family members too. I want to be a home to the dogs who end up in the HS or shelter multiple times because people are irresponsible.

I would also like you guys to help me. I don't care where you are or what your life is like. 7 times out of 10 you can and should get a dog. Check back for all the reasons why you should adopt a dog from the Humane Society or Shelter in your area and help me out with this dream of mine because as much as I would like to, I will never be able to be a home for all the dogs out there who need a family.

**I'll get to fostering kids later ;)**

Monday, October 6, 2014

Its kind of a hobby of mine

I really like to just chop all my hair off. Its the best feeling ever. It's kind of a hobby of mine really.

It's great to just put your hair in a pony tail and then chop that pony tail right off. Or a braid. Braids are fun to cut off too. Then you have a whole new hair style.

Then you can stand there and hold your unattached hair in your hand. Kinda creepy though.

 Notice the super cool ComiCon shirt

Then you can donate it to those in need or want of a wig. I love it.

Going from this:

To this:

It's fun. Try it. Be brave!

Pantene Beautiful Lengths
Locks of Love