Friday, July 28, 2017

**Opens old forgotten box**


**Writes name Kylee in dirt and dust that has settled on the blog**
**Blows giant cloud of dust off of blog**

"Wow! I forgot I had this old thing! HA! I wonder how long it's been in here. Gotta be like 8 months!"

"Sorry little buddy! I promise I won't let that happen again."
Aside: "Probably..."

Sorry folks. In case you missed the memo, working 50+ hours a week has been all the rage this past year. #trending

My jobs have included/currently include:
  • Tutoring 6th-12th grade in English/History (with a little psychology and environmental studies and crime & punishment thrown in there for good measure)
  • Tutoring private students in....whatever it is they lack (manners, being a not garbage person, homework, etc)
  • Lacrosse coach
  • Working as a residential coach at a residential treatment center (RTC) for teens
  • Working as an administrative assistant for said RTC
  • Working as a CNA in a memory care unit
"Why the heck would you work so much?", you ask scornfully.

"Well, you judgmental jerk. Thanks for asking."

I have been working so much because lovely Christopher is going to school so much. (Christopher X 2+ more years of school) + (Kylee - school) = Kylee + work = 50+ hours/wk

Duh. Its simple math really. idiots.

JK, but seriously. I have been working a lot. At one point I had two 16 hour days a row each week. So it was pretty fun. 

BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I QUIT ALL MY JOBS AND I AM DOING NOTHING NOW. No, that is a lie. I quit all but the employment at the RTC. 

I will still probably pick up a shift a week or so at the memory care because I want to keep my certification alive, but for now its the one employer life for me.

The way my schedule looks for September on is only working 3 days a week (its a full time job however).

"Uhh, Kylee? You do know there are 7 days in a week, right? What are you going to do with the other 4?"

"EVERYTHING!!! Clean, bake, sew, draw, color, reacquaint myself with the person I married, listen to books on tape, laundry, look for a place to live, shower more, foster dogs, Pin, paint my nails, blog, make stuff I don't need! Duh."

I am sad to have given up those other jobs because I really loved them, but the inconsistency and schedule was causing me to stress bald. (real thing...look it up)

So, I am going to be a new person. I will work less and like more.