Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Trailer Trash - Classy Version

Alright team.

I am going to live in a trailer. Correction: We are going to live in a trailer:

And me:

and sometimes her:

We look like we could be trailer dwelling folks, right?

Well we have been looking for months for a trailer to buy. 

Finally we found one. A beaut. From the 80's. Mmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmm

Here she is:


BUT: While my partner has been gone fighting fires - hence the ashy face - I have been working my fingers to the bone to get this trailer revamped.

The plan is to paint some stuff, take some stuff out, put some stuff in, etc, etc.

Here she is midway through the prepping process:


Mostly I just took all the doors off of everything. I was pretending to be a carpenter/painter/whatever job takes doors off of things.

Here I am pretending to be a seamstress:

I like to pretend I know how to do things until I actually do know how to do things. It works out super well actually.

Stay tuned for the rest of the revamp of our camper. I like to call it our recamp.

Monday, June 22, 2015


Baldness where there should be hair.
Blank stares where there should be engaged eyes.
Blankets and long sleeves where there should be shorts and T-shirts.
Chaos where there should be peace.
Confusion where there should be clarity.
Death where there should be life.
Doors where there should be doorways.
Fear where there should be faith.
Feet where there should be inches.
Frowns where there should be smiles.
Gums where there should be teeth.
Hair where there should be baldness.
Holes and gaps where there should be wholes.
Inches where there should be centimeters.
Lies where there should be truth.
Life where there should be death.
Locks where there should be unrestricted access.
Messes where there should be clean.
No where there should be Yes.
Questions where there should be answers.
Sadness where there should be joy.
Truth where there should be lies.
Uncertainty where there should be confidence.
Wheels where there should be feet.
Wrinkles where there should be smooth.
? when there should be ..