Saturday, November 10, 2012

Here and There

"Arthur Henry King has said, 'Love is not just an ecstasy, not just an intense feeling. It is a driving force. It is something that carries us through our life of joyful duty'".
- Dallin H. Oaks, Powerful Ideas - October 1995

I like that a lot.

Do you ever have a song that automatically energizes and makes you go crazy? Well right now that song for me is:

It kills me. So I was doing homework right near here...
Library Annex image the basement of this building...


...yesterday while listening to thebestpandorastationever...

AND Anyway Radioactive comes on and I have the irrepressible urge to cartwheel and go crazy. SO I DID (if it is irrepressible you can't not do it) right there in the basement of PS. For all those nerds doing homework at 5:00 on a Friday evening (my friend Pace included....) to see!

HA! IT WAS GREAT. So then I was on a music high for the rest of the night.

 I jumped and skipped and sang and total body jammed the walk home with Cassie. IT WAS SO GREAT. SO FREEING. People where watching and I just jammed all the more intensely. Then we went to the basketball game here...

...and on the walk I didn't walk. NAY! I RAN AND FLAILED...

I looked a lot like this....

...And then when I got to the crosswalk I cartwheeled across. I turned that bad boy into a cross-cartwheel. AWWW YEAHHHH

WHEWWWW THAT was such a grand adventure I had. And it all started with Imagine Dragons.

I think I am keeping that promise to enjoy life more fully!



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