Wanna know why I named my blog that?
Here ya go:
Well I keep these notes in my phone and I was looking through them one day and the note went as follows:
Psalms 16:11
Helaman 13:29
Find joy in the journey
-pres Monson
If we fail we fail with glory
SOOO I'm not sure why I had those all in a note but when I was looking for inspiration for my blog name and I came upon this note, "If we fail we fail with glory" really caught my attention.
When I am trying to decide something I go 98% by gut feeling and 2% by logical thought. I'll go through idea after idea and if I don't get that feeling I will move onto the next one. It is how I decide everything! Like which conference talks to read every week and what names to give my water bottles. I just know the feeling that it is the right one. It clicks. It fits. It goes. It feels right.
When I saw "If we fail we fail with glory" written on the note I knew it. I got that feeling. BAM Done and Done. I didn't know where the line came from until later on. It is from a hymn "God Speed the Right".
I love the idea of failing with glory. Why the heck should we be afraid of failure if we did it gloriously??? Since I've discovered that line in the hymn that is what I have tried to do with my life. I am going to try a lot of things and I am going to fail a lot of things. That much is inevitable.
But I can control HOW I fail. If I am going to fail, I am going to do it on MY terms and it will be a glorious failure. Oh man. It almost makes you excited to fail.
If you fail, fail gloriously people!
Happy weekend! Thanksgiving is just in front of us!
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