Pardon me for posting twice in a day but A) I didn't want to make my last post 1000 years long and B) I didn't want to ruin the preciousness of my previous post with the seriousness of this one
Anywho, a couple weeks ago I was watching Say Yes to the Dress (5 Stars from Kylee) and there was this psycho mom who wanted her daughter to look like a princess but the daughter didn't want to look like a princess and fights ensued. So I went upstairs to my mom and told her that since she has 4 daughters yet to be married off she had better keep her own expectations and desires out of wedding dress shopping. Not her opinion, mind you. You'd never get my mom to keep her opinion to herself. But her expectations of what she wants us to look/act like (if you read my previous post you know how effective trying to dictate my behavior is).
With that in mind... we started talking about weddings and I told her my friends made me promise to have a civil wedding for them. I told her I didn't particularly want to cause what a hassle...(shocking I know...but no, I do not have my wedding planned and my colors picked and whatever else a "normal" girl has thought out...) My mom said I would have to do a civil wedding and then the conversation kind of ended.
Forward to today: I was sitting in the Draper Temple waiting to do baptisms just thinking and I started thinking about getting married in the temple and who in my family would be there. I came to the sad but very real conclusion that at most, only one of my 8 siblings (unless there are some significant events before I get married) would be able to be in the temple with me & my parents/grandparents/etc. Each one of my siblings (and spouses if they have them) has different circumstances keeping them from entering the temple.
These thoughts brought me back to the conversation with my mom about having to have a civil wedding for my friends and I thought to myself "A civil wedding for my friends? My own family won't even be able to attend my Temple Marriage" Sheesh.
Conclusion: I will be having a civil wedding.
Conclusion 2: I hope those various circumstances change so that I may be joined by more than 1/8 of my siblings.
This has become a compilation of the least and most important thoughts and experiences that I have had in my short life. Read along if that's your jam.
Friday, June 29, 2012
"22 Years of Married Bliss"
My mom said that. Fat load of crap that is. With me as a child? I HARDLY describe raising Kylee as "bliss". In fact, I take a direct quote from said dear mother's blog:
Darn right you can't control me....
I digress...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MAMA AND PAPA. No one else coulda raised me...I'm kinda do I put this lightly....kind of a dolt, blockhead, fool, twit, etc. (don't even ask what I put into the online thesaurus to generate those words). Props to the mother for letting me do my own thing...usually I find the right thing.
Thanks parents for setting such a great example for us chilluns. Because of my parents I know what a good marriage (and consequently a good family) looks like:
remember a particularly frustrating few months with my beautiful,
stubborn, bull-headed daughter number 1. She was probably about 4 or
5. I was fit to be tied. She said "no" no matter what you asked her,
she defied me at every possible opportunity. I was certain she would
have to be removed from my care because I was going to KILL her. She had
to do everything her way. I was way out of my league. And I thought
step-children, who probably didn't really even like me, were hard. She
was impossible. So, one evening I was enlisting the advice of my dear
husband, "What am I supposed to do with her? She won't do this, she
won't do that. I can't make her listen . . ." You get the picture. I
will never forget what he said -- it was the most profound thing anyone
had ever said to me up to that point in my life. It also made me angrier than I had been in a coon's age. (If you don't know, don't ask) He said, and I quote, "You can't control her." He was so calm, so matter of fact, I wanted to kill HIM then HER. Yes, I can! I am her mother!!! Can you hear it?"
Darn right you can't control me....
I digress...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MAMA AND PAPA. No one else coulda raised me...I'm kinda do I put this lightly....kind of a dolt, blockhead, fool, twit, etc. (don't even ask what I put into the online thesaurus to generate those words). Props to the mother for letting me do my own thing...usually I find the right thing.
Thanks parents for setting such a great example for us chilluns. Because of my parents I know what a good marriage (and consequently a good family) looks like:
- 9 kids (give or take)
- Motorcycles
- A house that is never clean (sorry mom)
- Endless laundry
- Walking
- Family Home Evening
- Seeing every movie that has ever come out
- A husband who works hard
- A wife who works hard
- Kids who....learn hard
- Charity
- Illegal Fireworks
- Leftovers
- Kicking the kids out when 24 is on
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
If you're happy & you know it, clap your hands
Bad day. K that's a little dramatic cause it wasn't really bad. It just wasn't spectacular. I like spectacular days. Like yesterday. Yesterday was spectacular.
Mi familia y yo went swimming. On our way to the swimming pool we passed a ping pong table on the side of the road with a sign on it that said "FREE". Yep. A free ping pong table. So we saw it wouldn't fit in our suburban, Trusty Mabel, so we called my brother with his truck, Trevor, and he came and got it. So now we are the proud owners of a ping pong table. We have no room in our house for a ping pong table so here's what we have done with it:
If that ain't pure joy, then I do not know what is.
Back to today - the less than spectacular day. I did not/do not like today. It isn't spectacular. So to counteract the spectacularlessness (yes I made that word up but feel free to use it) of this day I am going to make a list of things that are spectacular in my life that I am grateful for.
Here we go:
Here are a couple videos that go along with this post..
Ok...that second one is just hilarious....hope you enjoy!
Mi familia y yo went swimming. On our way to the swimming pool we passed a ping pong table on the side of the road with a sign on it that said "FREE". Yep. A free ping pong table. So we saw it wouldn't fit in our suburban, Trusty Mabel, so we called my brother with his truck, Trevor, and he came and got it. So now we are the proud owners of a ping pong table. We have no room in our house for a ping pong table so here's what we have done with it:
If that ain't pure joy, then I do not know what is.
Back to today - the less than spectacular day. I did not/do not like today. It isn't spectacular. So to counteract the spectacularlessness (yes I made that word up but feel free to use it) of this day I am going to make a list of things that are spectacular in my life that I am grateful for.
Here we go:
- Spectacular days
- Free ping pong tables
- My bed
- My foxy car, Cheredith
- Warm weather (sorry Laradise)
- General Conference talks
- My awesomely rad parents
- My laptop
- Music
- My siblings
- A job that I like
- The education I am getting *BIG PICTURE KY*
- Friends that I can text, "I'm grumpy. Help?" and they do
- Good memories that instantly put a smile on my face
- Fake plants
- Air conditioning
- Sugar-free food (curse this sugar-free thing)
- Nail polish
- Bright colors
- Journals
- Best friends
- Temples
- Weddings
- B.A. watches
- Cameras
- That my brothers best friend gets home from his mission tomorrow
- Libraries & books
- Motorcycles
- A papa who will make me lunches for school even though I'm 18 and fully capable
- Internet
- Random hangouts
- Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition (& lets be honest...Chris Powell)
- Water
- Gardens
- That there are other more than just banana flavored laffy taffy
Here are a couple videos that go along with this post..
Ok...that second one is just hilarious....hope you enjoy!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Kevin Edmund "Youk" Youkilis
It is with a heavy heart that I tell all of you readers (none of which really care I assume) that the Boston Red Sox have traded Kevin Youkilis to the Chicago White Sox. This happened yesterday. Pretty much during the Boston-Atlanta game. Oh man. We hate to see him go.
Youk was good. Truly, he was (and is, but it feels like he'd dead).
Check out here for his stats and whatnot. Impressive huh?
My brother hates Youk. This is one of the many reasons why:
He has a stupid batting stance. Its true. But that stance has gotten him career stats that look like this:
AVG .287
HR 133
RBI 564
OBP of .388
Those arent the best stats ever, but they sure ain't the worst!
Now that he is gone, David "Big Papi" Ortiz is the only Red Sox player left from the 2004 World Series Champion team. I have a feeling though that Jacoby, Pedroia, Crawford, Beckett, Nava, and the likes may be here for the next few WS Championships.
On a side note, by the time Youk is done, he will probably have spent his whole MLB career as a sock....He debuted as a red one and will probably finish out as a white one.
Youk was good. Truly, he was (and is, but it feels like he'd dead).
Check out here for his stats and whatnot. Impressive huh?
My brother hates Youk. This is one of the many reasons why:

He has a stupid batting stance. Its true. But that stance has gotten him career stats that look like this:
AVG .287
HR 133
RBI 564
OBP of .388
Those arent the best stats ever, but they sure ain't the worst!
Now that he is gone, David "Big Papi" Ortiz is the only Red Sox player left from the 2004 World Series Champion team. I have a feeling though that Jacoby, Pedroia, Crawford, Beckett, Nava, and the likes may be here for the next few WS Championships.
On a side note, by the time Youk is done, he will probably have spent his whole MLB career as a sock....He debuted as a red one and will probably finish out as a white one.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Does anyone else feel as though this summer is going by muy rapido? I see it coming at me at breakneck speed but as I take a breath to prepare for it, it whizzes past me and is gone. I ain't complaining though. I think it's going so speedily because I have been busy. School and work take up the perfect amount of my time and I love it. Busy is good.
Kylee, when she isn't busy, gets herself into trouble. She makes people (namely, her sisters) angry at her. Kylee when she is bored feels yucky and dwells on those things she cannot control. Kylee when she isn't busy, is not a happy camper & when Kylee is not a happy camper, its hard for those around her to be happy campers (what can I say, my bubble of influence is rather large)
Anyway...It freaks me out to think I've been out of school, done with my freshman (and consequently, part of my sophomore) year for almost 2 months!!! HOLY BISCUIT!!! Where has the time gone?? Each year goes by faster and faster and before I know it I'll have a dozen children and a suburban (never a mini-van) &soccergamestogoto&balletrecitalstoattend&billstopay&ahusbandtofeed&
Whew...minor freakout over. To be honest I look forward to those things. All of them. BUT, I find it hard to fathom how fast all those things will happen. *Aww, Little Ky Ky is getting so big!* (In years and experiences of course, not size...since I'm 98% sure that I shrunk in size this past year.)
All's I'm sayin, is that y'all should enjoy every second of this minute right now because guess what! *insert completely irrational guess here* This minute just left & it ain't coming back. But a better minute is yet to come.
But if you live always looking for the better minutes, how can you enjoy this minute, right here & right now?
Happy almost weekend folks!!!
Kylee, when she isn't busy, gets herself into trouble. She makes people (namely, her sisters) angry at her. Kylee when she is bored feels yucky and dwells on those things she cannot control. Kylee when she isn't busy, is not a happy camper & when Kylee is not a happy camper, its hard for those around her to be happy campers (what can I say, my bubble of influence is rather large)
Anyway...It freaks me out to think I've been out of school, done with my freshman (and consequently, part of my sophomore) year for almost 2 months!!! HOLY BISCUIT!!! Where has the time gone?? Each year goes by faster and faster and before I know it I'll have a dozen children and a suburban (never a mini-van) &soccergamestogoto&balletrecitalstoattend&billstopay&ahusbandtofeed&
Whew...minor freakout over. To be honest I look forward to those things. All of them. BUT, I find it hard to fathom how fast all those things will happen. *Aww, Little Ky Ky is getting so big!* (In years and experiences of course, not size...since I'm 98% sure that I shrunk in size this past year.)
All's I'm sayin, is that y'all should enjoy every second of this minute right now because guess what! *insert completely irrational guess here* This minute just left & it ain't coming back. But a better minute is yet to come.
But if you live always looking for the better minutes, how can you enjoy this minute, right here & right now?
Happy almost weekend folks!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Bits & Pieces
Some random thoughts for the day:
1. Is it necessary to know a person's name to be friends with them? Not the kind of friend where you would ask them to be your child's godparent, or call them up to go see a movie. But the kind of friend if you saw walking around campus, you would wave at them. Or if you saw them outside the classroom studying or eating you would join them and strike up a convo. Or maybe when you see them you ask how their weekend went. Or you are in a lab group with them and sit by them in every class and have friend-like conversations. Do you need to know their names?
Poll so far:
2. The funniness of a joke is HIGHLY dependent upon
3. This is pretty much the coolest thing ever. I wonder how people do these things. Well, not do them, but think of them. It's genius. Truly, it is.
4. I have placed an official ban on the word "Idiot" in my house. I feel it is an unnecessary, rude word and we will see how it goes. I'm contemplating making an "Idiot Jar" where people need to put in a quarter or something for every "idiot ban" violation.
5. I discovered this really cool app/website songza. Its like pandora but a little not sure what it is a little more of.... Just it out as Linds would say.
6. It is pretty much impossible to have a bad day while wearing these colorful pants! I know this from experience. Some people (you know who you are) don't like them...others have complimented me on them. As for me, I love them. Sure, they're a little bold. But boldness can be good right? At least in moderation.
Happy Tuesday folks!
1. Is it necessary to know a person's name to be friends with them? Not the kind of friend where you would ask them to be your child's godparent, or call them up to go see a movie. But the kind of friend if you saw walking around campus, you would wave at them. Or if you saw them outside the classroom studying or eating you would join them and strike up a convo. Or maybe when you see them you ask how their weekend went. Or you are in a lab group with them and sit by them in every class and have friend-like conversations. Do you need to know their names?
Poll so far:
- Yes: 2 votes
- No: 2 votes
2. The funniness of a joke is HIGHLY dependent upon
- the delivery
- the punchline
- telling it correctly
3. This is pretty much the coolest thing ever. I wonder how people do these things. Well, not do them, but think of them. It's genius. Truly, it is.
4. I have placed an official ban on the word "Idiot" in my house. I feel it is an unnecessary, rude word and we will see how it goes. I'm contemplating making an "Idiot Jar" where people need to put in a quarter or something for every "idiot ban" violation.
5. I discovered this really cool app/website songza. Its like pandora but a little not sure what it is a little more of.... Just it out as Linds would say.
6. It is pretty much impossible to have a bad day while wearing these colorful pants! I know this from experience. Some people (you know who you are) don't like them...others have complimented me on them. As for me, I love them. Sure, they're a little bold. But boldness can be good right? At least in moderation.
Happy Tuesday folks!
Monday, June 18, 2012
What time is it? Summertime! It's our vacation!
Pardon the High School Musical title. I couldn't resist. Truly, I couldn't.
Anywho, I just read my dumbo sisters blog ( about how junior year is over & all those things she's spent the past year learning are spilling out of her orifices now that it is summer. Darn her I say. I'm here taking summer classes & her bloody English is clogging my sinks! Truly, I found Holden Caulfield climbing outta the pipes last night!
Can y'all tell I should be doing the homework for those classes right about now? No, in reality I think taking these classes is a smart move on my part. It's General Biology & College Composition and Rhetoric. Those pesky generals needed for errybody to get through college. The problem is, every Tuesday and Thursday I wanna be doing anything but sittin' through 7 and a half hours (tuesday's) or 4 and a half hours (thursdays) of school!
Ok, I see the big picture. It looks something like this: I am standing somewhere in Laramie, Wyoming. Possibly the nice place on the way to the BS building used by some people to nap. Anyway, I am holding a piece of paper that basically says "YAY YOU'RE DONE. YOU'VE GOTTEN YOUR ANTHROPOLOGY DEGREE...AND TO MAKE IT EVEN BETTER, YOU ARE ONLY 20 YEARS OLD". And I have a smile on my face because I'm thinking about those Tuesdays and Thursdays of summer 2012 I spent in those stuffy buildings on the Redwood campus of SLCC, and thinking "I am glad I did it!"...Yup, there's the big picture.
Welp. In order for that picture to become my reality I had better get hittin the books right about now.
Anywho, I just read my dumbo sisters blog ( about how junior year is over & all those things she's spent the past year learning are spilling out of her orifices now that it is summer. Darn her I say. I'm here taking summer classes & her bloody English is clogging my sinks! Truly, I found Holden Caulfield climbing outta the pipes last night!
Can y'all tell I should be doing the homework for those classes right about now? No, in reality I think taking these classes is a smart move on my part. It's General Biology & College Composition and Rhetoric. Those pesky generals needed for errybody to get through college. The problem is, every Tuesday and Thursday I wanna be doing anything but sittin' through 7 and a half hours (tuesday's) or 4 and a half hours (thursdays) of school!
Ok, I see the big picture. It looks something like this: I am standing somewhere in Laramie, Wyoming. Possibly the nice place on the way to the BS building used by some people to nap. Anyway, I am holding a piece of paper that basically says "YAY YOU'RE DONE. YOU'VE GOTTEN YOUR ANTHROPOLOGY DEGREE...AND TO MAKE IT EVEN BETTER, YOU ARE ONLY 20 YEARS OLD". And I have a smile on my face because I'm thinking about those Tuesdays and Thursdays of summer 2012 I spent in those stuffy buildings on the Redwood campus of SLCC, and thinking "I am glad I did it!"...Yup, there's the big picture.
Welp. In order for that picture to become my reality I had better get hittin the books right about now.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
An update
My first post about doing it, well I haven't done my thing yet. I have plans to...but I haven't had the opportunity. See, my doing it involves a person/people other than me & I haven't seen them in a while.
OK OK OK So in reality I had the chance. The perfect chance. To just do it, as Nike would say. But I didn't muster up those 20 seconds of pure unfailing courage to do what I've been wanting for a couple weeks now. BUT I promise you (whoever "you" is) that by the end of summer 2012, I will have done it. Consequences be damned, I will do it.
I'm only human right?
Have you done the thing that you thought of while reading my first post?
What was it? Was it worth it? Are you glad you did it? I hope you did do it, it was worth it, and you are glad you did.
If you haven't, I ask again: Whats keeping you?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Sun is a beautiful thing. One of my absolute favorite things to do is sit outside (maybe with someone or two) on a sunny day with a book, my iPod and my water bottle, Sheila and read.
More often than not, I end up falling asleep after 3 or 4 pages but that's another great thing. Except the last two times this has happened I burned the back of my legs and then my chest. I can't explain it but while they hurt, sunburns make me feel good, alive.
Watch out for skin cancer though. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sabbath!
More often than not, I end up falling asleep after 3 or 4 pages but that's another great thing. Except the last two times this has happened I burned the back of my legs and then my chest. I can't explain it but while they hurt, sunburns make me feel good, alive.
Watch out for skin cancer though. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sabbath!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Harley ride to Southern Utah
We took our foreign exchange student, Vanda on a Harley ride down to southern Utah yesterday to show her the crazy rock formations and beautiful scenery.
She or Lindsay rode on the back of my dads bike while either Christian or I drove my moms bike. My mom followed behind in the mini cooper with the two people not on the bikes. It was a blast and I think Vanda enjoyed her first motorcycle ride ever.
She or Lindsay rode on the back of my dads bike while either Christian or I drove my moms bike. My mom followed behind in the mini cooper with the two people not on the bikes. It was a blast and I think Vanda enjoyed her first motorcycle ride ever.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Do it
Do it. That's what my first ever blog post is about. That thing or those things you have wanted to do but haven't had *timereasonmoneydeterminationcouragewhateverisstoppingyou* GO DO IT.
Good advice eh?
Good advice eh?
I was watching We Bought a Zoo & in it, the main character talks about having only 20 seconds of pure, unfailing courage & basically that can change your life. So find those 20 seconds of courage & DO IT.
I plan on following my own advice at some time in the near future. I need to build up those 20 seconds of courage & just do it. Which I will. As should you.
What is stopping you?
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