Sunday, April 28, 2013

Summer schooling, had me a blast. Summer schooling, happened so fast.

I am taking summer classes and then fall classes. So if I do indeed graduate next spring I will have been in school for 8 consecutive semesters (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014). Ayyyaaaaaaahhhhh. Thats a lotta schooling.

Anyway. Here are the classes I am taking this summer here in Laradise:

CHEM 1020: General Chemistry- First semester of a one-year introductory series. Provides broad coverage of chemistry principles with inorganic and organic systems applications.

*I am indifferent to this class. I have only had one year of chem in my life. That was sohpmore year and if you were to ask me what I remember, I would tell you that Hydrogen and Oxygen are a part of the periodic table of elements. So its probably a good thing I am taking it again. And I really hope its easier cause I am taking it in the summer*

COJO 1010: Public Speaking - Beginning public speaking course. Emphasizes message construction, performance and critique in public communication settings. Includes speech preparation, listening, audience analysis, critical thinking, language/nonverbal behavior and various speaking formats.

*Eh, I feel like since I am Mormon and have been speaking in Sacrament meetings since I was 12, a relief society teacher and have been teaching for the past several months, and a tutor, I will probably do pretty well with this one...*

RELI 2225: History of Christianity - Traces Christianity from its beginnings to late 20th century.

*I am so jazzed about taking this class. It should be awesome. I considered minoring in Religion and possibly Nutrition so this class helps me out there if I end up staying another year and doing that....*

WMST 1080: Introduction to Women's Studies - An introduction to key issues in women's studies. A topical examination of women's participation in, and relationship to, institutions of society, such as family and school, as well as processed and activities, such as work, art, literature and politics in historical and cross-cultural analysis.

*Aahhhhhh women's studies. Why do you even exist? So stupid. Too bad this fulfills two credits I need. Oh well, its a prereq for another class or two that I actually want to take as a Medical Anthropologist*

PEAC 1001: Physical Activity and Your Health - Designed to help students gain an understanding of the impact of physical activity or inactivity has on their health. Students gain the knowledge, skills and experience that enable them to make informed decisions about their own health as it relates to their quality of life and longevity.

*I'm an athlete, I know how being active helps you in basically all aspects of your life. But again, its a requirement and at least its an independent study*

Thats 14 credits. A whole semester's worth. Last summer I only did 7. But its broken up, so I am taking 8 here in laramie for the first half and then 6 credits online at home in UTAH. It should be grrrreeatttt.

And I will have my beautiful longboard Jasper to carry me around during those wonderful days of summery sunshine.

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