HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA The longer you look at it the better it gets.
Super freaking trippy....
And the last laughs for y'all......
Happy funday monday!!!!
This has become a compilation of the least and most important thoughts and experiences that I have had in my short life. Read along if that's your jam.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Summer schooling, had me a blast. Summer schooling, happened so fast.
I am taking summer classes and then fall classes. So if I do indeed graduate next spring I will have been in school for 8 consecutive semesters (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014). Ayyyaaaaaaahhhhh. Thats a lotta schooling.
Anyway. Here are the classes I am taking this summer here in Laradise:
CHEM 1020: General Chemistry- First semester of a one-year introductory series. Provides broad coverage of chemistry principles with inorganic and organic systems applications.
*I am indifferent to this class. I have only had one year of chem in my life. That was sohpmore year and if you were to ask me what I remember, I would tell you that Hydrogen and Oxygen are a part of the periodic table of elements. So its probably a good thing I am taking it again. And I really hope its easier cause I am taking it in the summer*
COJO 1010: Public Speaking - Beginning public speaking course. Emphasizes message construction, performance and critique in public communication settings. Includes speech preparation, listening, audience analysis, critical thinking, language/nonverbal behavior and various speaking formats.
*Eh, I feel like since I am Mormon and have been speaking in Sacrament meetings since I was 12, a relief society teacher and have been teaching for the past several months, and a tutor, I will probably do pretty well with this one...*
RELI 2225: History of Christianity - Traces Christianity from its beginnings to late 20th century.
*I am so jazzed about taking this class. It should be awesome. I considered minoring in Religion and possibly Nutrition so this class helps me out there if I end up staying another year and doing that....*
WMST 1080: Introduction to Women's Studies - An introduction to key issues in women's studies. A topical examination of women's participation in, and relationship to, institutions of society, such as family and school, as well as processed and activities, such as work, art, literature and politics in historical and cross-cultural analysis.
*Aahhhhhh women's studies. Why do you even exist? So stupid. Too bad this fulfills two credits I need. Oh well, its a prereq for another class or two that I actually want to take as a Medical Anthropologist*
PEAC 1001: Physical Activity and Your Health - Designed to help students gain an understanding of the impact of physical activity or inactivity has on their health. Students gain the knowledge, skills and experience that enable them to make informed decisions about their own health as it relates to their quality of life and longevity.
*I'm an athlete, I know how being active helps you in basically all aspects of your life. But again, its a requirement and at least its an independent study*
Thats 14 credits. A whole semester's worth. Last summer I only did 7. But its broken up, so I am taking 8 here in laramie for the first half and then 6 credits online at home in UTAH. It should be grrrreeatttt.
And I will have my beautiful longboard Jasper to carry me around during those wonderful days of summery sunshine.
Anyway. Here are the classes I am taking this summer here in Laradise:
CHEM 1020: General Chemistry- First semester of a one-year introductory series. Provides broad coverage of chemistry principles with inorganic and organic systems applications.
*I am indifferent to this class. I have only had one year of chem in my life. That was sohpmore year and if you were to ask me what I remember, I would tell you that Hydrogen and Oxygen are a part of the periodic table of elements. So its probably a good thing I am taking it again. And I really hope its easier cause I am taking it in the summer*
COJO 1010: Public Speaking - Beginning public speaking course. Emphasizes message construction, performance and critique in public communication settings. Includes speech preparation, listening, audience analysis, critical thinking, language/nonverbal behavior and various speaking formats.
*Eh, I feel like since I am Mormon and have been speaking in Sacrament meetings since I was 12, a relief society teacher and have been teaching for the past several months, and a tutor, I will probably do pretty well with this one...*
RELI 2225: History of Christianity - Traces Christianity from its beginnings to late 20th century.
*I am so jazzed about taking this class. It should be awesome. I considered minoring in Religion and possibly Nutrition so this class helps me out there if I end up staying another year and doing that....*
WMST 1080: Introduction to Women's Studies - An introduction to key issues in women's studies. A topical examination of women's participation in, and relationship to, institutions of society, such as family and school, as well as processed and activities, such as work, art, literature and politics in historical and cross-cultural analysis.
*Aahhhhhh women's studies. Why do you even exist? So stupid. Too bad this fulfills two credits I need. Oh well, its a prereq for another class or two that I actually want to take as a Medical Anthropologist*
PEAC 1001: Physical Activity and Your Health - Designed to help students gain an understanding of the impact of physical activity or inactivity has on their health. Students gain the knowledge, skills and experience that enable them to make informed decisions about their own health as it relates to their quality of life and longevity.
*I'm an athlete, I know how being active helps you in basically all aspects of your life. But again, its a requirement and at least its an independent study*
Thats 14 credits. A whole semester's worth. Last summer I only did 7. But its broken up, so I am taking 8 here in laramie for the first half and then 6 credits online at home in UTAH. It should be grrrreeatttt.
And I will have my beautiful longboard Jasper to carry me around during those wonderful days of summery sunshine.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Finals Week Approaches
Ah finals week. That week where 4 months of knowledge is compiled in a few sheets of paper. How is that an accurate gauge of learning? I think it is not. But, alas, I don't determine that stuff. Other people far "wiser" than I do.
Finals week is the hardest, most stressful, exhausting week of the semester. The week preceding it (this coming week) also sucks. It is when you (should) prepare for those tests. It is hours of reviewing, memorizing, relearning, learning for the first time 4 months of knowledge. Again, how is that logical?
Anyway, I like to write myself up a little inspirational document to get jazzed for finals week. It is usually a combination of youtube videos, pins from Pinterest, quotes from famous people and apostles/prophets, and scriptures. If you are super lucky and I like you a lot and want you to do well on your finals as well I may just send it to you...but most likely not...or maybe
Here is what this semesters contained:
If you replace "riding your bike" with "pass your finals" it is enough to get anyone to do well
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
2 Timothy 1:7
God hath not given you the spirit of fear. That comes from the adversary. The Lord has given you the power of love, and a sound mind; the power of the priesthood, the power of your call, love for the gospel which you teach, for the people you teach, and for the Lord.
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."Mosiah 4:27
Just take things one day at a time, otherwise you'll become overwhelmed.-Gordon B. Hinckley, Stand A Little Taller
There's more, but I should really get back to finishing my 23 page paper on human femur measurements.
bad day,
I wont give up,
time passes,
worth it
Friday, April 26, 2013
Meet Jasper
Jasper is a girl. And you actually met her in a previous post.
In case you forgot...there she is. Jasper. I love her.
In case you forgot...there she is. Jasper. I love her.
Cassie and I have this really great thing where she rides her bike and I hold on to her backpack and she pulls me around campus between classes/home/etc. We have been HUGELY successful...
We make people smile cause we look so freaking awesome.
We have only had one or two of these....
But other than a few "learning experiences" and practice dodging pedestrians...WE ARE SKILLED.
Monday, April 22, 2013
I love Greyson Chance
I like the way his voice sounds....probs cause hes prepubescent. Back off, he's great.
I didn't actually want to watch those since I'd probably change my mind about him...but just listen to him...haha
I like the way his voice sounds....probs cause hes prepubescent. Back off, he's great.
I didn't actually want to watch those since I'd probably change my mind about him...but just listen to him...haha
Sunday, April 21, 2013
And this is why Kylee doesn't like the ocean...
How Shark Attacks Work
On another note...I got a longboard today!!!!
I LOVE IT. Here it is!!!!
We are just getting to know each other, but I see wonderful things in our future. Now I can roll around in style to classes cause the weather is sorta getting good.
And since I will be here for most of the summer, it will be awesome to have this board to use. GOSH I AM SO EXCITED!!!!
We went on our first ride this afternoon and except for the fact that my left calf is tighter than something that is really tight, IT WAS AWESOME.
On another note...I got a longboard today!!!!
I LOVE IT. Here it is!!!!
We are just getting to know each other, but I see wonderful things in our future. Now I can roll around in style to classes cause the weather is sorta getting good.
And since I will be here for most of the summer, it will be awesome to have this board to use. GOSH I AM SO EXCITED!!!!
We went on our first ride this afternoon and except for the fact that my left calf is tighter than something that is really tight, IT WAS AWESOME.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Since the world needs more annoying pop stars....
But he actually seems like he's got talent...and the fact that people figured out who he was when he was 12 and he is now 15 and I am only just being exposed to him seems to be a good omen.....so I won't judge him just yet
Greyson Chance at 12 years old in 2010 (this was how he was discovered...oh, Youtube, you wonderful invention)
This is him on the Ellen Show in 2011
And this is some new stuff from Greyson
Greyson Chance at 12 years old in 2010 (this was how he was discovered...oh, Youtube, you wonderful invention)
This is him on the Ellen Show in 2011
And this is some new stuff from Greyson
Not too shabby...
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Knowledge: What do you do with it? OR What does it do with you?
I have been meaning to write this post for a loooonnnnggggggg (<-- see what I did there?) time. A really long time. So here it is.
I have been told by multiple sources that I have the ability to learn something and then live my life according to that knowledge. Make sense?
For example, I learned that there is poop. everywhere. always. So now I close the toilet seat when I flush. *that was an awkward example*
I can't not do that now. I learned it and now to not close the toilet seat when possible seems an insult to that knowledge that I now have. I cannot forget or ignore or unlearn it. I learn something and it CHANGES ME.
I learned last year just how bad High Fructose Corn Syrup can be for you. Now when I shop, I (for the most part) buy things WITHOUT HFCS. I have to do it. I cannot not do it now.
Sometimes it is so inconvenient. I just want to unlearn those things and go back to the whole ignorance is bliss junk. Life was easier when I didn't know that there is poop everywhere, or that HFCS creates a hugely problematic response in insulin levels and all that jazz.
It amazes people. I guess knowledge doesn't change people like it changes me.
I live life according to the knowledge that I have. If you don't change your life as you learn then what good is learning things? I guess that confuses me. What do you do with knowledge if not change your life?
I guess this is my way of accepting the light so that I may receive more...
Does not changing make you a hypocrite? A fool? Normal?
I have been told by multiple sources that I have the ability to learn something and then live my life according to that knowledge. Make sense?
For example, I learned that there is poop. everywhere. always. So now I close the toilet seat when I flush. *that was an awkward example*
I can't not do that now. I learned it and now to not close the toilet seat when possible seems an insult to that knowledge that I now have. I cannot forget or ignore or unlearn it. I learn something and it CHANGES ME.
I learned last year just how bad High Fructose Corn Syrup can be for you. Now when I shop, I (for the most part) buy things WITHOUT HFCS. I have to do it. I cannot not do it now.
Sometimes it is so inconvenient. I just want to unlearn those things and go back to the whole ignorance is bliss junk. Life was easier when I didn't know that there is poop everywhere, or that HFCS creates a hugely problematic response in insulin levels and all that jazz.
It amazes people. I guess knowledge doesn't change people like it changes me.
I live life according to the knowledge that I have. If you don't change your life as you learn then what good is learning things? I guess that confuses me. What do you do with knowledge if not change your life?
I guess this is my way of accepting the light so that I may receive more...
Does not changing make you a hypocrite? A fool? Normal?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Hunger Games - Catching Fire Trailer
AYYYYAAAAA - So stoked for this...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Google+ Hangout
Saturday, April 13, 2013
AHAHAHHAHA Hamsters are great
I lurrvveeeee this hamster.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Poem
My sister has inspired me to be all artsy and junk so I wrote this poem today.
I was in my Teaching of the Living Prophets institute class watching these two talks and I whipped this poem out. I am not totally pleased yet, but for writing it in like 20 minutes its aight.
Anyway...here it is:
I don't yet know why
but I know I have to try.
When I feel the pull
It is not a pounding in my skull
But a gentle nudge
I must obey without grudge.
It leads me to the light
When I follow without a fight.
This light turns me from sorrow.
It promises me a bright tomorrow.
This light is my life.
My God has for me such love
even though he resides far above.
He listens to my every word
My kind loving knowing Lord.
How have I come to be?
Looking back I hardly recognize me.
If I follow the light to the end
My God will truly be my best friend.
Rich blessings to impart
He promises me the desires of my heart.
I patiently await
Navigating the pathway, narrow and straight.
Perfect I know I am not
But my sins I know only He can blot.
My transgressions He remembers no more
When I call upon Christ's solo war.
In Gethsemane where he bled
With Heavenly Father he plead
"Why hast thou forsaken me?"
As Christ is, so seek I to be.
And so at 19 years of age today
Some days seem dark and gray.
When I feel the pull I cannot ignore
It leads me to seek it more
So my days increase in light
I will never give up this fight
I was in my Teaching of the Living Prophets institute class watching these two talks and I whipped this poem out. I am not totally pleased yet, but for writing it in like 20 minutes its aight.
Anyway...here it is:
I don't yet know why
but I know I have to try.
When I feel the pull
It is not a pounding in my skull
But a gentle nudge
I must obey without grudge.
It leads me to the light
When I follow without a fight.
This light turns me from sorrow.
It promises me a bright tomorrow.
This light is my life.
My God has for me such love
even though he resides far above.
He listens to my every word
My kind loving knowing Lord.
How have I come to be?
Looking back I hardly recognize me.
If I follow the light to the end
My God will truly be my best friend.
Rich blessings to impart
He promises me the desires of my heart.
I patiently await
Navigating the pathway, narrow and straight.
Perfect I know I am not
But my sins I know only He can blot.
My transgressions He remembers no more
When I call upon Christ's solo war.
In Gethsemane where he bled
With Heavenly Father he plead
"Why hast thou forsaken me?"
As Christ is, so seek I to be.
And so at 19 years of age today
Some days seem dark and gray.
When I feel the pull I cannot ignore
It leads me to seek it more
So my days increase in light
I will never give up this fight
Monday, April 8, 2013
Women's Lacrosse
If you've never seen lacrosse played...here ya go!
Its over 2 hours long, so don't watch the whole thing. But just watch some.
They're good. Its cool
They're good. Its cool
Thursday, April 4, 2013
In case you missed it - Bosox
Boston might not suck this year.....emphasis on MIGHT
The Red Sox looked as if they were in a hurry to put a dreadful 2012 season behind them. They're off to an impressive start, giving new manager John Farrell an 8-2 win on opening day Monday.
"I think how you saw it (Monday) is how we can win a lot of ballgames," new designated hitterJonny Gomes said. "It was kind of all there early."
Shane Victorino led a revamped Red Sox lineup with three RBIs and Bradley walked three times and scored twice in his big league debut. Boston's big day against CC Sabathia (0-1) came a year after it lost its first three games under Bobby Valentine and went on to a 69-93 finish.
Facing a Yankees lineup minus injured Derek Jeterfor the first time since 2001 and just three starters from opening day a year ago, Lester (1-0) gave up five hits and two runs in five sharp innings against the defending AL East champions.
"It's big," Lester said. "It's obviously a lot nicer than the past couple of years to be on top 1-0 instead of going through a whole road trip without a win again."
Yankees stars Alex Rodriguez, Curtis Grandersonand Mark Teixeira also are on the disabled list.
"You're talking about some of the best players in the game. It's going to be a little different," Sabathia said. "But we know what we have to do and who's not here. That's not an excuse."
Bradley, meanwhile, made an immediate impact after earning a spot with a strong spring training performance.
In his first plate appearance, the ever-smiling 22-year-old outfielder worked a one-out walk after falling behind 0-2. That helped Boston touch up the big lefty for four runs in the second inning -- and start the angry rumblings of 49,514 anxious Yankees fans.
Young No. 44 then stole a potential RBI hit from Robinson Cano with a running, twisting grab in a swirling wind in left field in the third. Bradley added an RBI groundout in the seventh.
All in a day's work for the unflappable rookie.
"I wasn't nervous. I was ready," Bradley said. "Just trying to do whatever I can to help the team win."
The punchless Yankees had just one hit after the fifth inning against five relievers in losing a season opener at home for the first time since 1982, after 11 straight wins.
Adding to the tough day all around for New York, rain in the ninth inning sent fans running for cover while the Red Sox scored three times against a mustachioed Joba Chamberlain.
Jon Lester struck out seven over five sharp innings Monday to pick up his seventh career win at the new Yankee Stadium. The left-hander easily has the most wins at the ballpark among all visiting pitchers.
Jacoby Ellsbury had a sharp two-run infield single that first baseman Lyle Overbay, picked up off waivers only a week ago, couldn't handle for his third hit. Victorino singled home Bradley to add to the romp.
"We want to put pressure on the opposition," Farrell said. "And that's not strictly with attempted steals and how we look to run the bases first to third, but the attitude and how we go about our work."
One team in New York won on Monday, though. In a first, the Yankees and Mets opened on the same day at the same time. The Mets finished off an 11-2 victory while their Bronx counterparts were in the eighth inning.
Before the game, the Yankees held a tribute to the victims of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., and honored first responders at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Both teams wore a patch that included the Newtown seal, a black memorial ribbon and 26 stars, one for each victim.
No matter the colorful history between the clubs, the reality in 2013 is this: The two teams that have dominated the division for more than a decade enter opening day with considerably less swagger.
Heck, the Yankees played as if they were still trying to get to know each other -- and they were, with several March acquisitions.
The Bleacher Creatures' roll call was loaded with new names because of injuries and the departures of free agents Nick Swisher and Russell Martin.
"We brought some guys in later into camp," manager Joe Girardi said. "They're going to get a lot of opportunities here, and we're going to need them to perform."
One name the Creatures did include was closer Mariano Rivera, who is coming back from a torn knee ligament and said during spring training he plans to retire at the end of the season.
But he wasn't needed in this one after Boston jumped out to an early lead. That was enough for Lester, who looked more like the pitcher who won at least 15 games every year from 2008-11 and not the one who went 9-14 last year.
Boston wasn't at full strength, either. David Ortiz is on the disabled list with sore heels, the first time he was not the Red Sox designated hitter for the opener since Jeremy Giambi in 2003.
The Red Sox had only four players from their opening-day lineup last year starting in this one:Dustin Pedroia, Jarrod Saltalamacchia, Ellsbury and Lester, making his third consecutive such start.
Even weirder: former gritty Red Sox star Kevin Youkilis was clean-shaved and in Yankees pinstripes.
"I think we're making it more than it is," he said. "I go out there and play. I don't sit down and stare at my uniform all game."
Making his 10th opening-day start overall, Sabathia settled after the second to allow four runs and eight hits.
Francisco Cervelli, who spent nearly all last season in Triple-A, had a two-run single off Lester in the fourth and made a swift tag on Ellsbury sliding into home plate in the sixth.
Jackie Bradley Jr. and the Red Sox were daring on the basepaths. Jon Lester and the Boston bullpen were aggressive against a barely recognizable New York Yankees' lineup.
Friendly Confines

Most Wins By Visiting Pitcher At New Yankee Stadium
Pitcher | Wins |
Jon Lester | 7 |
Josh Beckett | 4 |
Felix Hernandez | 4 |
David Price | 4 |
-- ESPN Stats & Information |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Voice, Christian Porter - Sexy and I Know It
Monday, April 1, 2013
Stumblin' in April
Its a new month. I will do better than last month.
To begin April, here are some stumblins I stumbledupon!
Be Jackson Pollock!!
Beautiful Abandoned Places
Super amazing sculptures
Dalai Lama's 18 rules for living
6 People with Superpowers
Simple Nutrition Tips
360 Utah Sunset
And last, but not least since its pretty awesome actually...
30 things you should do right now
To begin April, here are some stumblins I stumbledupon!
Be Jackson Pollock!!
Beautiful Abandoned Places
Super amazing sculptures
Dalai Lama's 18 rules for living
6 People with Superpowers
Simple Nutrition Tips
360 Utah Sunset
And last, but not least since its pretty awesome actually...
30 things you should do right now
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