Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is the world coming to?

This is not for the faint of...stomach. In fact its disgusting. But fascinating.



What happened to eating less and moving more? Does that not exist anymore? Begin by not drinking soda. Then cut out things like chips (doritoes, fritos, cheetos...if it ends in "os" dont eat it). Cut down your sugar intake, your sodium intake, you calorie intake.

Walk to work or school if that is an option. Park further away if it's not. Use the stairs. Not the elevator. I feel like that old Geico slogan "So easy a caveman could do it" right now.

I don't want to offend or patronize or demean anyone who has tried many things to lose and maintain weight loss. But physiologically, if you eat less and move more, you will lose weight and keep that weight off.

There are less drastic and disgusting options...like living a healthy lifestyle...?

What has society created?

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