Saturday, March 19, 2016

Losing your faith is not "brave"

Do you know what really chaps my khakis?

When people writing touching blog posts to tell the world how they so bravely lost their faith and left the church that was holding their minds captive.

What a load of horseshit, people.

That is not brave. Letting doubt overcome is not brave. They're all idiots. IDIOTS.

Now, I am not saying that the LDS Church or any church is worth staying in. I am not saying that you can't lose your faith/trust/belief in a church (a manmade entity). But to lose your FAITH. Like the actual thing that is inside of you and makes your life purposeful.

It seems pretty darn clear to me that God doesn't care what "church" you are baptized in or attend every Sunday. He is far more concerned with what "church" you are a member of in your heart.

So when you lose that faith that God gave you because you let doubt overpower everything else, you are not brave. You didn't come out of a brainwashed stupor. You were weak and did not rely on God to lift you. You let that manmade entity destroy you. *claps* Good work, soldier.
Good thing God is merciful and we get to do this over and over again until we get it right.

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