Thursday, April 16, 2015

P.E. Class Evaluation

Here is what I wrote for the PE course evaluation in the section where it said how could the course be improved:

"It is a pointless class that I learned nothing in. Also, the Placeout exam is totally bogus. I doubt even a professor in the Kinesiology and Health dept could pass with anything more than an 80. It is definitely tailored so that students will not pass it or if they do pass it, they get so low a score that it would be better for them to just complete the labs. I find that completely nonsensical. I studied for the exam and passed, but the best I could have received a mid-80 in the class. Why even offer the exam if it is designed for students to fail? Then they have to do all of those pointless labs which do not teach anyone anything. I'm 90% sure that most people make up all of the information on those labs anyway. It is a totally pointless class

Also, I play for a club team here at UW, but since I wasn't playing during the summer (it has to be concurrent) it didn't count towards the activity. I think that is silly. I have played for the last 4 semesters and I plan on playing next year. Why is that not good enough? Why does it not count if I am not playing during the class? I find this whole PE credit to be a waste of my time, energy, and frustration. It is pointless and I am glad to be done with it. By the way, did I mention it was pointless and the Placeout exam is fraudulent?"

Here is what I wrote in the section where it asked what was good about the class:

"It was easy"

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