Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures from this B&G ball but IT WAS A BLAST. I seriously had a ton of fun.
The food was so good. We had salad...good stuff, good stuff. Then there was the chicken stuffed with awesomeness (broccoli, bacon, and other stuffs), with potatoes topped with awesomeness (not the same awesomeness - this awesomeness was sweet potato). Then we had this freaking delicious red velvet cheesecake that I could not finish because it was so good and I was so full. Man, it was a good dinner.
Then the speaker was Rulon Stacey. He's kind of a big deal. He told us that it is OK to be average. It is ok not to get a 4.0 or to be president of your clubs or be an all-star athlete. He told us that being super intelligent or super attractive won't help you in life nearly as much as being the 15%. The 15% are those who are cheerful workers. They don't gossip or complain about co-workers, bosses, or the company. They arrive on time, they are dependable, they are honest in all their dealings, they get the work done on time and well. He told us that it is not the 4.0 or the good looks or the really good test scores that will have people banging on your door offering you work...it is the qualities that the 15% have.
My date was great. His name is Tyler and he works nights. He is funny and a perfect gentlemen and we had an awesome time with Pace and Ashley. He opened doors and pushed chairs in and helped with my coat. His mama taught him well :) He also just got a new (old) car which he had never killed (its a manual) until I was in the car, and he blamed it on me...Sorry Heidi! He was a fantastic date. (He helped me cheat in Scum so that I would become VP, too!)
As a bonus, he's tall (or Kylee is short?) so I got to wear my super sweet shoes:
To go with my (sister's) super sweet dress:
I'd say I was looking pretty fly for 26 hours notice. :)
After Rulon Stacey finished speaking the dancing began and Pace, Ashley, Tyler and I left. :) We went back to the bassinet (is it OK to refer to it as the bassinet still since there were some residential changes this past year?) and the four of us played games with Cassie and Stephen. We played some poker, Farkle, and Scum.
Overall, it was a fantastic night.
Laradise has its perks!
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