I'm taking this idea from Linds's blog.
If y'all are too lazy to click on her link and read her version, here's what she says:
"I've discovered songs and music have the
ability to preserve memories. Well I guess I didn't discover it. I'm
pretty sure most people would know what I'm talking about.
You put your ipod on shuffle and a song
comes on that you haven't heard in forever then alla sudden you're back
snowboarding, or on a car ride, or remembering something that happened
the moment you were listening to that song."
Here is where I go when I hear these songs or artists:
Skinny Love - Birdy
I am sitting in my dorm room in Orr Hall Freshman year of college watching Vampire Diaries. It is the episode where Jenna dies. I immediately looked the song up and got it. Both versions I think.
Low - Flo rida
It was basketball sophomore year. It was on our warm up. I remember every home game running lay up lines to this song....It was our jam
Just Dance - Lady Gaga
WOW. This one is a good one. So it had been our song all season long sophomore year soccer. (Blasting it during our team "outings", playing it repeatedly in st george, etc) Then during our stretching circle before the State Championship game it came on. WHAT A GOOD OMEN! Then we won 3A State in PK's. Good day. I think I will always love this song.
Sleeping with the Lights on - Michael Henry & Justin Robinett
There I am in my lovely car Cheredith listening to the CD Allen gave me. I remember...I had cried as I left his neighborhood and as I got on I-80 to head home for the summer. I had just gotten a handle on myself when this song came on and I lost it all over again. Good times, good times...
Somebody That I Used to Know - Walk Off the Earth - Five Guys and a Guitar Version
HAHA Oh gosh. This one. I hear it and I am back in Allen and Pace's apartment. Allen probably has this one on his most viewed. He asks "Have you seen it!?' and I reply no. So then we watched it probably 9 times. Then some of our other friends came over and we watched it another 15 or so times.
Single Ladies - Beyonce
I am in the Brown's CRV with Madeleine and Elliot. We are on our way to early morning seminary sophomore year. It was at the time of winter/spring that you can feel your world changing. It's beginning to slowly warm up. You are caring less and less about school. It's that spring fever feeling I guess.
Snow Patrol
It was sub for santa. One family had Snow Patrol CD on the list. Well, I was in charge of that. So I think I bought the CD off iTunes and burned it, made my own awesome label and everything. Now when I hear them, I think of that years sub for santa with the family all at the g-parents.
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