1. Is it necessary to know a person's name to be friends with them? Not the kind of friend where you would ask them to be your child's godparent, or call them up to go see a movie. But the kind of friend if you saw walking around campus, you would wave at them. Or if you saw them outside the classroom studying or eating you would join them and strike up a convo. Or maybe when you see them you ask how their weekend went. Or you are in a lab group with them and sit by them in every class and have friend-like conversations. Do you need to know their names?
Poll so far:
- Yes: 2 votes
- No: 2 votes
2. The funniness of a joke is HIGHLY dependent upon
- the delivery
- the punchline
- telling it correctly
3. This is pretty much the coolest thing ever. I wonder how people do these things. Well, not do them, but think of them. It's genius. Truly, it is.
4. I have placed an official ban on the word "Idiot" in my house. I feel it is an unnecessary, rude word and we will see how it goes. I'm contemplating making an "Idiot Jar" where people need to put in a quarter or something for every "idiot ban" violation.
5. I discovered this really cool app/website songza. Its like pandora but a little more....im not sure what it is a little more of.... Just ch..ch..check it out as Linds would say.
6. It is pretty much impossible to have a bad day while wearing these colorful pants! I know this from experience. Some people (you know who you are) don't like them...others have complimented me on them. As for me, I love them. Sure, they're a little bold. But boldness can be good right? At least in moderation.
Happy Tuesday folks!
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