I am halfway sorry if I offended you with that
that is where I am at. So many things are shfga;hsfkgjbas;kuegf
I just started a graduate degree program at BYU Provo and I hate it. I dont like what I am learning I dont like what the program is training me to do. And like hello? didn't I choose this program because i was interested in it. Yes stupid i did.
But what i didn't realize was that everything about public health is political. You can't do anything of any importance without involving a law or government of some kind. why? because no one cares. no one will do anything unless legally required. bc people are the worst. well a lot of people are the worst. and mostly when i say people i mean the collective people - no particular individual ya know?
like smoking. Who the F smokes anymore? a lot of people. Why? who the F knows bc everyone and their unborn children know that smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. and yet, so many people still smoke. so we pass laws that keep people of certain ages from smoking and keep people from smoking in certain places. oh and btw that doesn't even work.
smoking rates for underage humans is stupidly high. so there public health.
its stupid. and if you are poor you will be less healthy than if you were the exact same but rich. so thats stupid. and if you are black or hispanic you will be less healthy than if you were the exact same but white. so thats stupid. and all of these things are society's fault.
what i have learned is that until we totally restructure society, people will be unhealthy and die earlier. and since i don't have any desire to become president i have limited options. so f that
and graduate school is about research and i dont care about research. and graduate school is about writing articles to be published and i dont care about being published.
i hate it. but bc of money and a deal ill keep going this semester but if it aint better i swear i am so out of there its ridiculous.