I am a traditionalist. I like to do things by the book. Status quo is my fave. I am a rule follower. Very much a rule follower.
Lies. All of those. Were lies. I am a liar.
I am not a traditionalist. Most are just stupid social customs that don't serve great purposes. I think there need to be more people willing to change things up a bit. No matter how difficult.
Like ME.
My story:
In approximately 25 days and 15 hours I am marrying the greatest human. (Yes, the firepits, frozen, and flames one) The. Greatest. Human. Never was there another human who handled my repulsion to physical touch, my tendency to bite, my strange woman's health philosophy, my inability to follow rules, and my tendency to enjoy doing nothing.
We will be sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. This is during my spring break, and over a weekend for him. He's in school and we will probably be doing a lot of homework over our honeymoon. *Yay for struggling college students* We will be sealed at 11:40 in the am and then...here is where our follow the tradition train ride ends.
So, we are not doing a reception at that time. Ain't nobody got time for that. Our reception will be in August of 2015. Nearly 6 months after we actually get married. *Yay for the wildland firefighting life* See, he will be gone June to August. So prime time for marriage and receptioning is out of the question for us.
BUT we need to do something to include our families and have a celebration of some sorts. SO, a dutch lunch at Sweet Tomatoes it is. I know...we are just oozing convention. Then, Christopher and I will get in the car and drive to Saint George for two days and then come back to real life.
It gets better.
He has an apartment with his two besties with a lease until June. In Orem. He works. In Orem. He goes to UVU has classes 6-10 pm. In Orem. I live with my dear family. In Sandy. I work 40ish hours a week. In Sandy. I don't finish until 8:15ish pm most nights. In Sandy. The solution: He will go back to his apartment in Orem and I will stay at home in Sandy. Until about August. *Remember the summer firefighting thing?* About 6 months until we will reside in the same dwelling for longer than a weekend.
Anyways, that is the plan. It's been pretty stressful. Going against all tradition is hard. What are people going to think? Oh wait, I don't care. But really though. It has clearly been a worry of mine.
I had a dream the other night where after I had sent out the EVITES (HAHA Oh yea, also, we didn't send out paper invitations, we sent out EVITES...without pictures, because we didn't do an engagement shoot.....HAHAHAH) my grandma had come over for something and she said something about how rude and improper our whole plan was. She said it in an underhanded way, just mumbling under her breath and I got very defensive and said it was the way it was going to go. I started to cry as I walked up the stairs. After a few steps I stopped crying and said, "No, you know what? This is how it is working. I will NOT apologize for it." And that is how I feel.
So take up your flags people! Change things up a bit! Do what you want and not what other people expect! It is liberating.