There are the obvious ones like September 11 and December 7. Those one are if not universally remembered, nationally remembered.
Then there are the ones that are personal. Maybe to your family, maybe only to you.
April 1st is one of those days.
May 7, 2009. It was a Thursday. Look it up if you don't believe me. I will never forget that day. Or the morning after. I didn't much feel like going to school that morning so Haylee, Will and I went to yard sales for most of first period. We bought a nasty rat thing.
All of those things were pretty awful life changing things.
Can I remember the dates of the amazing, happy things of my life?
Not really. I don't remember the date we won state in soccer or the date we won lacrosse....
I do remember August 9th, 2001. I turned 8 years old and was baptized. But I think I only remember that because I have it engraved on a charm bracelet.